Since the original publication of this post, we have rolled pricing for my standard Violoncello da Spalla l to 2021 pricing, about $10K. This is about $3,000 less than the special pricing described below.
As of today, March 2, 2024, we still have a Tenor Viola (tuned G2 to E4, like an Octave Violin) for the price of $3,500. The only reason for the price reduction is that it has been lovingly pre-owned and refurbished to better than new condition.
Original Post:
Due to the bespoke nature of my practice, I generally do not have instruments hanging around that are ready to ship. Due to repeated resolutions that I have made to “get ahead of the game”, I presently do have two very nice tenor/baritone range instruments that are ready to ship.
The first is a very nice example of my Violoncellos da Spalla (“Standard Plus” model). The other is a refurbished 4-string Octave Viola (i.e., tuned like a cello; sometimes called a “chin cello”) that I made a few years back. It is now set up as a Modern Tenor Viola, meaning that it is tuned a 4th lower than a viola, which is the same as an Octave Violin. You can also think of it as a large viola-sized Octave Violin, or even an Octave Violin on steroids!
The Violoncello da Spalla
The Tenor Viola
If you have been looking, you know that the wait time for a commissioned violoncello da spalla can be as long as year. If you want one now, here is your chance. The wait time for a custom-made viola of any kind can be quite long as well.
I am offering special pricing, to boot!
Special Pricing
Both instruments have special pricing. I am selling the tenor viola for $3,500, which includes a custom-sized oblong case. The Violoncello da Spalla is $13,500.
Contact Information:
Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss a possible purchase of these instruments
Mobile (voice or text): 706-400-1481.
Landline: 706-896-0909
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Linktr.ee: donrickert (https://linktr.ee/donrickert)