Since the original publication of this post, we have rolled pricing for my standard Violoncello da Spalla l to 2021 pricing, about $10K. This is about $3,000 less than the special pricing described below.
As of today, March 2, 2024, we still have a Tenor Viola (tuned G2 to E4, like an Octave Violin) for the price of $3,500. The only reason for the price reduction is that it has been lovingly pre-owned and refurbished to better than new condition.
Original Post:
I recently announced that I have a newly-built Violoncello da Spalla and a refurbished Tenor Viola for sale. In that announcement, I mentioned special pricing, $13,500 for the Violoncello da Spalla and $3,500 for the Tenor Viola.
Why the special pricing?
A basic reason has a little bit to do with the competitive landscape. Quite simply, there are too many luthiers selling what amounts to their student projects as master-level instruments, often at attractively low prices. This is especially true in the world of niche instruments like violoncellos da spalla. This confuses those looking for an instrument and diverts business away from experienced makers. Competing on price is, in the end, a fool’s errand; however, a reasonable discount as a “nudge” is OK.
Different reasons for each of the two instruments
The Violoncello da Spalla
The Violoncello da Spalla for sale is a nice example of my “Standard Model” in terms of workmanship, playability and, especially sound. It has a dramatically-flamed maple over spruce Baroque fingerboard and matching solid maple tailpiece. Looking at the photos, you can see that the instrument is well-scraped and the purfling is close to flawless. The back and sides, however, are not as well-flamed as I would like. In fact, the flaming is rather subdued on the ribs. This is the reason that I have decided to sell the instrument for a discounted price.
If desired, you can purchase the instrument now and I will make a new one just like, but with very well-flamed ribs and back. Upon payment of the price differential ($16K – $13.5K), we can swap the instruments. The advantage is that you get an exceptionally well-crafted and great-sounding violoncello da spalla now without having to wait for months.
Note about stringing
The instrument is currently strung with modern strings (Helicore). As a bonus, I will string it with Atelier Boussoir violoncello da spalla strings (silk core, silver/tungsten wound) at no charge.
Additional bonus!
One free insured shipping round trip is included, should any adjustments be desired. This is available for customers in the continental US and Canada. If you are located in Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Alaska, or any of the other far-away places where my instruments have landed, we’ll see what we can work out.
The Tenor Viola
The other instrument I have ready to ship is a refurbished 4-string 16” Octave Viola (i.e., tuned like a cello – C2 G2 D3 A3; sometimes called a “chin cello”). It is now set up as a Modern Tenor Viola, meaning that it is tuned a 4th lower than a viola (G2 D3 A3 E4), which is the same as an Octave Violin. You can also think of it as a large viola-sized Octave Violin.
This instrument is a joy to play. Think of it as an octave violin on steroids. The sell price of $3,500 is substantially less than that of a new one ($4,700).
Contact Information:
Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss a possible purchase of these instruments
Mobile (voice or text): 706-400-1481.
Landline: 706-896-0909
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Linktr.ee: donrickert (https://linktr.ee/donrickert)