Baroque Instruments Feed

If you wish to learn more or buy this very cool instrument, our direct phone number in the U.S. is 1-706-896-0909. Our email is [email protected]. You can also learn more or buy now at: NEW Violoncello da Spalla Conservatory Model by D. Rickert or learn more about our top-of-the-line Standard Model, see: NEW Violoncello da Spalla by D. Rickert ($8,400 - $9,600), (it is the Standard Model that is featured in ALL of the videos) We look forward to hearing from you. Having our instruments in the hands of some truly world-class musicians has been a real blessing. There are some really good demonstration videos of our violoncellos da spalla out there. This page brings them, or at least the ones we know about, into one place. Click and enjoy! Those videos on YouTube and several other video streaming services have previews. Those on Facebook do not. If you are interested in exploring the possibility of purchasing a Violoncello da Spalla by Don Rickert, please visit Don Rickert Musician Shop. We are one of the most prolific makers of these instruments in the U.S. We are located in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of North Georgia on the North Carolina border. We have two instruments, as yet unspoken for, in construction. Video with Previews NEW Will Hurd: Courante from Bach Suite no 6 using a bow by Harry Grabenstein | 2021 Virtual Exhibition Andrew Gonzalez playing one of the first violoncellos da spalla I made. Thanks Andrew. Some Non-Baroque Demonstrations Albert... Read more →







