Contact Info. Don Rickert on Linktree: This link gets you to ALL of my detailed contact information, my websites and social media. Email: [email protected] Phone (in US): 706-896-0909 or 706-400-1481 (mobile) What is an Octave Violin? An octave violin or octave fiddle, if you like, is a specially-designed or modified violin that is set up for and uses specifically-designed larger diameter strings and is tuned an octave lower (G2 to E4) than a violin in standard configuration (G3 to E5). The numbers after a note name refer to its octave vis-à-vis middle C, which is C4. With a few exceptions, the lowest note on any musical instrument is somewhere around C0. Most adult humans cannot even hear notes that low. An octave violin is played like a regular violin, as it usually has the same critical ergonomic dimensions as a standard violin. The most significant of these dimensions are a body that is about 14 inches long (give or take) and a playable string length of about 13 inches. For a far more detailed discussion of Octave Violins and related instruments, see: Octave Violins, Tenor Violas and Related Instruments from Donald Rickert What is a Tenor Viola? A “tenor viola” is our name for a viola-sized octave violin; in other words, a viola tuned like an octave violin (G2 to E4). Please note that, historically, tenor viola referred to various large violas, usually tuned lower than a regular viola. Today, tenor violas need not be larger than regular violas.... Read more →