Note: There is an update to this article entitled, Violoncellos da Spalla by Donald Rickert (Update Feb. 2024).
We announced this very cool instrument in 2018. Since then we have made almost two dozen Violoncellos da Spalla for customers all over the world.
Our instruments are played by some of today's preeminent Violoncello da Spalla players, as well as many advanced amateur players alike. Well-known Suzuki Teacher and professional violist/violoncello da spalla performer, William Hurd is pictured here with his Rickert-made violoncello da spalla over his shoulder. Note: "da spalla" does mean literally "for the shoulder" in English, but the photo does NOT depict the actually playing position! We will get to that.
Please contact us if you wish to discuss purchasing one of these fine instruments.
Our email is [email protected] and phone number is (706) 896-0909 or (706) 400-1481 (mobile). Visit us at the Don Rickert Musician Shop.
See and hear some demonstrations of our Violoncellos da Spalla.
The demonstrations below are but two of a large and growing number that can be seen and heard on our Violoncello da Spalla Demo Page.
The incredible Andrew Gonzalez performing on our Violoncello da Spalla by Don Rickert.
Heifetz 2018: Violoncello da spalla | Andrew Gonzalez Plays Bach
Bach 6th Suite Gigue on Violoncello da Spalla
Prior to 2018, we received a number of inquiries about the violoncello da spalla, based largely on our reputation for making extraordinary octave violins, mezzo violins and professional-level travel violins, which are modern versions of the dancing master's pochettes (portable pocket fiddles) of the Baroque Period. In 2018, I decided that the time was right for the violoncello da spalla as a standard product offering. Ours is a meticulously-designed and built 18” (refers to body length) violoncello da spalla in proper Baroque configuration. Our Violoncellos da Spalla are deliberately designed to to accommodate gut strings tuned to lower Baroque period pitch as well as more trouble-free and sonorous modern metal, silk or synthetic core (i.e. “Perlon”) strings, tuned to modern or period pitch. The point here is that our instruments are made to withstand the higher tension of modern strings while still performing exceptionally well with historic gut strings. Consultation on stringing and performing appropriate setup for the type of strings chosen is included in the price.
Background: What is a Violoncello da Spalla?
The violoncello da spalla (Italian for “'cello for the shoulder”) was, until fairly recently, a 5-string instrument of the violin family from the Baroque period that had fallen quite deeply into obscurity. It is a small baritone range instrument, about the size of a modern 1/10 size (child's) cello, that is tuned to C, G, d, a, e’ (i.e. like a full-size cello with an additional string on the treble side that is tuned to e’, which is an octave lower than the e” string on a violin)
It is thought by some that the violoncello da spalla was invented, or at least perfected, by the German luthier, Johann Christian Hoffman, a contemporary and probably a close friend of Johann Sebastian Bach. It was NOT called "violoncello da spalla" back in the day. That is primarily a modern moniker. Bach’s purported close relationship with J.C. Hoffmann has led to a now popular theory that J.S. Bach had a hand in the invention of the violoncello da spalla. This belief continues to be debated, often quite vigorously, by experts who study the history of musical instruments.
Anyway, what is now widely regarded as the primary candidate for distinction as the original violoncello da spalla, having been previously classified as either a "viola pomposa", "viola da spalla" or "piccolo cello", was made in 1732 by Hoffmann. It is this instrument that, today, is commonly regarded as the de facto “gold standard” for a proper Violoncello da Spalla.
The modern resurrection of the violoncello da spalla, and widespread attribution of the instrument’s invention to Hoffmann, is due largely to the Russian-Dutch luthier and media celebrity of sorts, Dmitry Badiarov. Badiarov, based in The Hague, introduced his first violoncello da spalla in 2004, essentially after Hoffmann, albeit, considerably more refined than the original 1732 instrument. While Badiarov, and his collaborator, Dutch violinist Sigiswald Kuijken, are more well-known, it was earlier research by the Dutch violinist and violist, Lambert Smit, that laid the groundwork for Badiarov and others involved in the 21st Century resurgence of the violoncello da spalla. Smit is regarded by many as the true father of the modern revival of the violoncello da spalla. Indeed, it was Smit who first posited the involvement of Bach, himself, in its invention. It was Smit who surmised that Bach’s Cello Suites and Cantatas were written, not for the full-size 4-string cello, but rather for the much smaller 5-string violoncello da spalla.
Since 2004, the violoncello da spalla has grown exponentially in popularity, largely due to Badiarov’s tireless ongoing research, teaching and and relentless evangelism. He also has made quite a few of these unique and very cool instruments for world-famous musicians and aspiring players alike.
How is the Violoncello da Spalla played?
The violoncello da spalla has been described as a "bass for violinists". Unlike the 5-string "chin cello", a.k.a. the 5-string octave viola (see image below),
the violoncello da spalla is held across the chest, secured with a strap around the shoulder and neck, as you can see in in the photo of violist and preeminent violoncello da spalla player, Andrew Gonzalez.
The violoncello da spalla is easily (a relative term) played by experienced violinists and violists. Indeed, experts believe that the instrument was invented in the early 1700s in order to minimize the learning curve of accomplished violinists and violists desiring to play a baritone range instrument.
Learning to bow the Violoncello da Spalla does not take much time at all, because, unlike a full-size cello, the bow is held the in the same manner as for violin or viola. That being said, any, if not most, experienced violinists and fiddlers, whose experience is primarily in playing the lead melody, will probably need to brush up on their music theory, particularly the principles for improvising baritone/bass harmony and chords. Put another way, they will have to learn the largely lost art of basso continuo improvisation. Of course, there are many fully-scored solo pieces for violoncello from the Baroque period, especially by J.S. Bach.
Interest in these newly re-discovered instruments is growing as part of an overall re-discovery of Baroque music and Baroque instruments, particularly those played with a bow.
Description of the Violoncello da Spalla by D. Rickert (Standard Plus Model) and its Options
See also: Violoncello da Spalla Standard Model by Donald Rickert
Our violoncellos da spalla are inspired by measurements taken from the surviving instrument by Johann Christian Hoffmann (1732). As would be expected, our Violoncello da Spalla is 5-string instrument with a body length of 18 inches (14.5cm). It is tuned to C, G, d, a, e’. In other words, the tuning is the same as a full-size cello, but with an additional string on the treble side that is tuned to e’ (an octave lower than the e” string on a violin). It is held across the chest, suspended by a strap around the players neck, not unlike a modern guitar, but much closer to the chin (see the image of Andrew Gonzalez above).
Approximate Critical Dimensions
- Overall length: 30” (75cm)
- Body length: 18” (45.5cm)
- Upper bout width: 8.25” (21.5cm)
- Lower bout width: 10.25” (26cm)
- Ribs: 3.15” (8.0cm)
- Playable String length: 16.53” (42cm)
- Note about string length: The playable string length of this instrument requires a slightly disproportionately long neck length when compared to the “ideal” string and neck lengths of a modern 1/10 size cello or an 18” viola.
A number of varnish options are possible. Traditional hand-rubbed oil or spirit. I prefer spirit varnish these days. Here are some examples for reference when discussing your preference.
Light Golden Brown | Golden Brown | Darker Golden Brown |
Medium Brown Semi-Antique |
Med-Dark Brown Semi-Antique |
Reddish-Brown Semi-Antique |
Setup: Baroque or modern
Nut and saddle: Ebony or Micarta
- Micarta is a synthetic material that has the appearance of ivory. It is slightly softer than ebony and, thus, much kinder to gut strings. Further, real ivory is absolutely banned worldwide!
Pegs: Wittner FineTune (default)
- FineTune(tm) pegs by Witttner are internally-geared tuning pegs that look identical to traditional ebony pegs. The gear ratio is 8:1, thus making tailpiece mounted fine-tuners unnecessary. We modify the Wittner pegs as necessary for use with either modern or gut strings.
- While we consider the Wittner FineTune pegs to be preferred option, traditional pegs, either modern or baroque style, are available for our Violoncello da Spalla Standard Plus Model.
True veneered spruce Baroque fingerboard
A proper Baroque fingerboard is not made from either solid ebony or maple. Rather, it has a core of quarter-sawn spruce, which is then clad with thick veneers (2mm to 3.5mm) of various woods, including ebony and figured maple. The fingerboard options are illustrated below.
Plain Ebony | Black-Dyed Flamed Maple | Dark Brown Katalox w/Maple Border |
Dark Brown Flamed Maple w/ Natural Maple Border |
Medium Brown Flamed Maple w/ Natural Maple Border |
True Baroque tailpiece
A Baroque Tailpiece can be made from solid ebony or boxwood; however, Baroque tailpieces are more often made from maple, which is then veneered to match that of the fingerboard (see the images above).
Custom bridge for a Violoncello da Spalla
One type of bridge is best described as a hybrid between an extra-wide (for 5-strings) viola bridge and an extra-wide cello bridge. There are no commercial manufacturers of blanks for such bridges; therefore, we make them for each individual instrument in our workshop. The the past year or so, I have been using a relatively unmodified treble viola da gamba bridge. I am very pleased with the sonic results and look really cool!
Standard String Set
The standard string set for our Violoncello da Spalla is designed to achieve a balance between period authenticity and the expectations of the modern player with respect to sonority/playability/practicality, as well as reasonable cost. As one should expect, we also offer premium replica real gut strings.
You would think that strings for a 1/10 size cello, with a long viola string for the E, would work. Unfortunately, there are NO makers of premium strings in the 1/10 size. Premium cello strings in the 1/8 size tend to be a bit too long. Custom violoncello da spalla strings by Infeld-Thomastik are possible; however, they are almost impossible to get and are insanely expensive. Currently we are using with good results a custom set, made up of repurposed extra long viola strings, with a custom-made wound silk string for the C. We also offer a complete set of silk-core strings from Atelier Boussoir, which is owned by the French luthier and string maker, Eliakim Boussoir.
We will work with you to determine the best combination for your needs. String configuration is a matter for post-purchase discussion.
Gut Strings
We know that some players want to play a Baroque period instrument replica that is strung only with the type of strings that were available in the early 18th Century. We understand the appeal of gut strings, despite their high cost and typically short life. So, if you are committed to gut, we’ve got you covered. If you indicate that you may want gut strings, we will contact you to discuss the best string set to meet your requirements. We can supply Aquila gut strings for violoncello da spalla for an additional $100. We can also supply strings from the premier maker of historic reproduction gut strings, Gamut Music, Inc. (Dan Larsen). The additional cost for Gamut strings is considerable. A full set of period gut strings from Atelier Boussoir is a good and relatively affordable option as well.
The instrument comes with a padded soft case. We can supply a custom-made hard shell case. The current price for a wooden custom case is about $900. A custom fit ultra-light carbon fiber case runs about $1600.
We can also supply a custom-fit flight case (25 lbs. weight) for about $300.
- The bow is your responsibility. If you like, we will find you the best deal possible for a Baroque cello bow in whatever price range you desire. Some players use a high-quality modern cello bow; however, that practice is becoming less popular. The least expensive good bows start at about $450, regardless of whether they are modern or baroque. Many players start out with a student-level Chinese-made baroque style bow, which costs about $200, and does a surprisingly good job.