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If you wish to learn more or buy this very cool instrument, our direct phone number in the U.S. is 1-706-896-0909. Our email is [email protected]. You can also learn more or buy now at:
NEW Violoncello da Spalla Conservatory Model by D. Rickert
or learn more about our top-of-the-line Standard Model, see:
NEW Violoncello da Spalla by D. Rickert ($8,400 - $9,600)
We look forward to hearing from you.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Original Article >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
We have just completed the first of three current commissions for our new Violoncello da Spalla. We will periodically publish reports, including video recordings, of this new instrument as it is put through it paces by its owner, a top Baroque period musician based in New York and Virginia.
The violoncello da spalla is a small 5-string cello that is held across the chest, suspended by a small shoulder strap; hence, the name, which, in Italian means literally "cello of the shoulder". It is often described as a "cello for violinists and violists". We are one of only a handful of makers worldwide.
To learn all about this exciting instrument and how you too can have one, see the product details at the Don Rickert Musician Shop (Violoncello da Spalla by D. Rickert). See also our earlier post entitled Announcing the Long-Awaited Violoncello da Spalla by D, Rickert.
There is a complete photo album of this newly-completed instrument on our Facebook page (D. Rickert Musical Instruments) - See the album entitled New Violoncello da Spalla by Don Rickert.
A few of these new instrument photos are shown here.